wlan: Vos asserts due to assoc rej in concurrency

1. VOS_ASSERT in limProcessJoinFailureTimeout.
This vos_assert is triggered for not finding a session id.
When the connect request is issued, JoinFailure timer is
started for 10 * Beacon interval = 1020 ms in this case and
that assoc rsp results in reason code=17, CSR again tries to connect
to another BSSID while the timer is still running.
Now if this assoc rsp also fails with reason code=17, code deletes
the session created during add_bss and now if the join failure timeout
expires, it does not find the session, which is error or warning level,
but it is not fatal to log VOS_ASSERT. Hence changing this to LOGE.
And also, stop the join failure timer during delBss if the timer
is running and started for the same session on which delBss was

2. __limProcessSmeReassocReq: Session does not exist for given bssId
In this case, when CSR established successful connection 160ms before
assert, this function should not be called unless it is roaming
scenario; but even then not finding a session id here is not
a FATAL instead it can be ERROR or WARNING.

CRs-Fixed: 536215

Change-Id: I00746665119557c236f11387c9a74e7e652a8036
diff --git a/CORE/MAC/src/pe/lim/limProcessSmeReqMessages.c b/CORE/MAC/src/pe/lim/limProcessSmeReqMessages.c
index b9fdd0a..79af3b9 100644
--- a/CORE/MAC/src/pe/lim/limProcessSmeReqMessages.c
+++ b/CORE/MAC/src/pe/lim/limProcessSmeReqMessages.c
@@ -2042,7 +2042,7 @@
    if((psessionEntry = peFindSessionByBssid(pMac,pReassocReq->bssDescription.bssId,&sessionId))==NULL)
         limPrintMacAddr(pMac, pReassocReq->bssDescription.bssId, LOGE);
-        limLog(pMac, LOGP, FL("Session does not exist for given bssId"));
+        limLog(pMac, LOGE, FL("Session does not exist for given bssId"));
         goto end;