wlan: Switch off the carrier in case of NULL bss.

In hdd_AssociationCompletionHandler, if we get NULL bss
from wlan_hdd_cfg80211_update_bss_db, it returns from
there only. But when it does, hdd_AssociationCompletionHandler
has to make sure that it does not leave the carrier on with
TX queues enabled, this leads to hdd_tx_timeout being called
This crash is avoided by turning off the carrier when
wlan_hdd_cfg80211_update_bss_db fails.

Change-Id: Ie927cb920f20bfaf89c4a2319397a16d4efa4d8f
CRs-Fixed: 716690
1 file changed
tree: cc983d09c02342fbef025a59675dae918a9c6ed1
  1. CORE/
  2. firmware_bin/
  3. riva/
  4. Android.mk
  5. Kbuild
  6. Kconfig
  7. Makefile