wlan: Reset lim scan state if suspend link fails due to init scan failure

Link is suspended and channel switch req is sent to firmware
on channel switch timer expiry. On receiving channel switch
rsp, finish scan req is sent as part of resume link since
link is suspended. Suspend link as part of ROC req fails since
link is in suspended state and lim scan state is set to idle.
finish_scan rsp is not processed properly since lim scan state
is idle instead of resume_link wait state and resume callback is
not set to NULL. As a result, resume link is not processed for
subsequent 2 ROC and finish_scan request is not sent to firmware.
The third ROC req will cause random mac addr count to exceed the
maximum allowed in firmware.

Fix is to not set lim scan state to idle_scan_state in limRemainOnChnRsp
when suspend link for ROC fails.

Change-Id: If0975b98056606e263a7dfe41250b1e65eaf08d4
CRs-Fixed: 2261355
1 file changed
tree: 4a59592b005d9c0f77c40a0f8d11782321117261
  1. CORE/
  2. firmware_bin/
  3. riva/
  4. Android.mk
  5. Kbuild
  6. Kconfig
  7. Makefile