prima: NAN - HDD and SME changes to support NAN

Changes required in HDD and SME layers to support NAN
control path.
1. Receive NAN vendor command in HDD and pass the it to SME.
2. Register a NAN callback which to be called by SME when a
   NAN event is received from WDA/WDI.
3. Send the NAN events to wifihal using NAN vendor event

Change-Id: I8244e14706ef91ec0d17c51fee37fdd9e9ebdc26
CRs-Fixed: 797391
11 files changed
tree: e1d71f35ede01bd0ad5c46b5f0984e85485b8268
  1. CORE/
  2. firmware_bin/
  3. prima/
  4. riva/
  6. Kbuild
  7. Kconfig
  8. Makefile