wlan: Use proper length to send the beacon/probe to kernel

propagation from qcacld-3.0 to prima.

Currently sizeof(struct ieee80211_mgmt) + IE len is used to calculate
the total frame length to send the beacon/probe to kernel.
struct ieee80211_mgmt contains union to define different frames and
thus the sizeof(struct ieee80211_mgmt) may give extra length for
beacon/probe if any of the union size is greater than the probe/beacon
union size. This result in trail of zeroes at the end of the frame.

To fix this use sizeof(mgmt_mac_header) + SIR_MAC_B_PR_SSID_OFFSET +
ie len to determine the exact size of the frame.

Change-Id: I71e94b111f36fcd4060befcae282f1fcce5e17f1
CRs-Fixed: 2251716
1 file changed
tree: 061d542c80d9a2a1823704ed719c1510758ec4b2
  1. CORE/
  2. firmware_bin/
  3. riva/
  4. Android.mk
  5. Kbuild
  6. Kconfig
  7. Makefile