wlan: Exit BMPS during wlan resume

Wlan firmware locks interrupt during exit & enter BMPS.
During wlan resume, host sends multiple commands to firmware and
While processing of each smd commands, it exit/enter bmps mode.
Because of much interrupt locking, BT thread get delayed and user
experiences glitches during  a2dp streaming.

As a part of this fix, Host exit BMP during starting of resume.
Later once resume gets complete, host enter again in bmps.

Change-Id: I00dac523755bcb1c3ade407cb2840a9060e23ed6
CRs-Fixed: 2069225
diff --git a/CORE/HDD/inc/wlan_hdd_main.h b/CORE/HDD/inc/wlan_hdd_main.h
index 73e021a..8971adc 100644
--- a/CORE/HDD/inc/wlan_hdd_main.h
+++ b/CORE/HDD/inc/wlan_hdd_main.h
@@ -106,11 +106,12 @@
 /** Maximum time(ms)to wait for disconnect to complete **/
 #define WLAN_WAIT_TIME_STATS       800
-#define WLAN_WAIT_TIME_POWER       800
+#define WLAN_WAIT_TIME_POWER       5000
 #define WLAN_WAIT_TIME_COUNTRY     1000
 #define FW_STATE_WAIT_TIME 500
 #define FW_STATE_RSP_LEN 100
 /* Amount of time to wait for sme close session callback.
    This value should be larger than the timeout used by WDI to wait for
    a response from WCNSS */