wlan: Protection of active session while disconnecting with spin lock.

[wpa_supplicant]wlan: wlan_hdd_disconnect: Set HDD connState to
[wpa_supplicant]wlan: wlan_hdd_decr_active_session:
                      No.# of active sessions for mode 2 = 0

If driver calls wlan_hdd_disconnect function and changes
connection state to eConnectionState_Disconnecting, at the
same time if thread context switch happens, hdd_DisConnectHandler
can also decrease active sessions.

[VosMCThread] wlan: ****eCSR_ROAM_DISASSOCIATED****
[VosMCThread] wlan: hdd_DisConnectHandler: Set HDD connState
                    to eConnectionState_Disconnecting from 2
[VosMCThread] wlan: hdd_connSetConnectionState:
                    ConnectionState Changed from oldState:2 to State:5
[VosMCThread] wlan: wlan_hdd_decr_active_session:
                    No.# of active sessions for mode 2 = 255

Here due to thread change, hdd_DisConnectHandler is being called
with connected state and driver will try to decrease active sessions

Fix is to apply spinlock before getting connection state and
after setting connection state.

CRs-Fixed: 704001
Change-Id: I80dfac5324f6731896d5d2ae23d863173c85b455
diff --git a/CORE/HDD/src/wlan_hdd_cfg80211.c b/CORE/HDD/src/wlan_hdd_cfg80211.c
index a11ea25..10d7e36 100644
--- a/CORE/HDD/src/wlan_hdd_cfg80211.c
+++ b/CORE/HDD/src/wlan_hdd_cfg80211.c
@@ -10653,18 +10653,22 @@
     pHddCtx->isAmpAllowed = VOS_TRUE;
+    /* Need to apply spin lock before decreasing active sessions
+     * as there can be chance for double decrement if context switch
+     * Calls  hdd_DisConnectHandler.
+     */
+    spin_lock_bh(&pAdapter->lock_for_active_session);
     if (eConnectionState_Associated ==  pHddStaCtx->conn_info.connState)
-                   "%s: Set HDD connState to eConnectionState_Disconnecting",
-                   __func__);
         wlan_hdd_decr_active_session(pHddCtx, pAdapter->device_mode);
+    hdd_connSetConnectionState( pHddStaCtx, eConnectionState_Disconnecting );
+    spin_unlock_bh(&pAdapter->lock_for_active_session);
-                   "%s: Set HDD connState to eConnectionState_Disconnecting",
-                   __func__);
-    pHddStaCtx->conn_info.connState = eConnectionState_Disconnecting;
+                  FL( "Set HDD connState to eConnectionState_Disconnecting" ));
     /*issue disconnect*/