wlan: Allow apps power collapse even when sco call is in progress

As a part of apps power collapse, Host check if BMPS is enabled
in ini then pmcState need to be BMPS else it rejects the request.
So when SCO indication comes from Coex module , host change
pmcState to full power mode hence it is not able to power collapse.

As part of this fix Host allows the power collapse now.

Change-Id: Ib6d9d77bd703ccc06de3f6d50f75d2896e39eacf
CRs-Fixed: 804864
diff --git a/CORE/SME/inc/sme_Api.h b/CORE/SME/inc/sme_Api.h
index 1d29da3..fe0a90a 100644
--- a/CORE/SME/inc/sme_Api.h
+++ b/CORE/SME/inc/sme_Api.h
@@ -3548,4 +3548,16 @@
 tANI_BOOLEAN sme_IsTdlsOffChannelValid(tHalHandle hHal, tANI_U8 channel);
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_IsCoexScoIndicationSet
+    \brief To check if the BTC module in fwr has sent the SCO
+           indication to host or not
+    \param hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
+    \return TRUE - Sco call in progress FALSE- No SCO call in progress
+  --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+tANI_BOOLEAN sme_IsCoexScoIndicationSet(tHalHandle hHal);
 #endif //#if !defined( __SME_API_H )