wlan: Fix for a hardware bug causing Out of order datagrams with voice traffic. TID in BD header not updated properly.

Hardware does not update tid field in BD header for BAR frames. It
always stay 0.
This resulted in out of sync between hardware and software while
forwarding pkts to OS.
Fix is to get the tid value from MAC frame rather than reading it from
BD header for the case of BAR frames.

Change-Id: Ia5ed09315c444b1ac7e6cc371686bf2f6840e7b5
CR-Fixed: 360955
1 file changed
tree: df5a27a4970498ed50f983c85dcb861dea95966c
  1. CORE/
  2. firmware_bin/
  3. riva/
  4. Kconfig
  5. Makefile