wlan: Fix issue in stop SoftAp

When SoftAP is turned-off from UI, then stop_ap does not cleanly
stop AP if there is no STA/P2P-CLI adapter. For non-concurrency
mode there will not be such adapter. Fixed issue in stop_ap. Also
re-init per STA per AC spin lock in softp deinit tx/rx sta function,
because even after hostapd stop, netdev can still call hostapd
open until driver gets unloaded and so spin lock is required to
avoid crash.

Change-Id: I9bb05fafa637e8e5dfa3aefdaa7a76ea3b4a0a53
CRs-fixed: 567901
2 files changed
tree: 229f1e858a609547ba9146543d26187b7574ae47
  1. CORE/
  2. firmware_bin/
  3. riva/
  4. Android.mk
  5. Kbuild
  6. Kconfig