wlan: Fix RSSI for the beacon received in adjacent channnel

Due to Rx sensitivity issue, sometime beacons are seen on adjacent
channel so workaround in software is needed. If DS params or HT
info are present driver can get proper channel info from these IEs
and the older RSSI values are used in new entry.

For the cases where DS params and HT info is not present, driver
needs to check below conditions to update proper channel so that the
older RSSI and channel values are used in new entry:
   -- The old entry channel and new entry channel are not same
   -- RSSI is below 15db or more from old value, this indicate
      that the signal has leaked in adjacent channel

Change-Id: Ie9dc26f938b58b0c5d071ce4f2ba02b8e7fd4f60
CRs-Fixed: 2263953
4 files changed
tree: de37d9d754efd9a78626763dce173f87e4c80bf7
  1. CORE/
  2. firmware_bin/
  3. riva/
  4. Android.mk
  5. Kbuild
  6. Kconfig
  7. Makefile