wlan: Use max tx power allowed to compute link report power

Driver uses max tx power allowed for a particular channel to
calculate link report power and updates max tx power allowed
with calculated link report power. This can result in usage
of MIN_TX_PWR_CAP as max tx power if AP requests power below
MIN_TX_PWR_CAP in link request. Once max tx power reaches
MIN_TX_PWR_CAP, the driver will always use MIN_TX_PWR_CAP in
the link report which could be much less than power allowed
for a particular channel.

Use max tx power allowed for a particular channel always to
compute link report power to fix this issue.

Change-Id: I0060500f23e6131481baa00cd76f41419281e41a
CRs-Fixed: 2238098
3 files changed
tree: fd1b11a62d1136b1f746dafb5d80cac6b11c9803
  1. CORE/
  2. firmware_bin/
  3. riva/
  4. Android.mk
  5. Kbuild
  6. Kconfig
  7. Makefile