wlan: Reset CounrtyCode11d if CountryCodePriority is set.

If gCountryCodePriotity is set to 1 and last given country is through
11d, countryCode11d needs to reset to 00 so that when next time driver
is being reloaded driver knows about correct county code.
Instead 00 countrycode if driver pass xx, kernel won't be able to
find XX in db.txt and it will take 3 sec to set countrycode as 00.

CRs-Fixed: 676496
Change-Id: Iad5a1d999652fd2ba1357a8d8da399328d59b430
3 files changed
tree: 39c6c94b7d542a5d438343492216aa8c9657fd89
  1. CORE/
  2. firmware_bin/
  3. riva/
  4. Android.mk
  5. Kbuild
  6. Kconfig