wlan: WDI : Acquire lock before changing the WDI sate.

When WDI receives a response to a request, it checks for
any queued request and post a msg to VOS WDI queue,
to process this request. Before posting the msg, the WDI state
is changed to BUSY, while holding lock. When this msg is
processed the state is changed to STARTED without acquiring
any lock.

If any new request comes in between these state transition,
a situation may arise that the WDI state is set as BUSY
and no request is processed.

Protect the WDI state change with lock.

CRs-Fixed: 870763
Change-Id: I245518237b5b6ea0abc08c42347f4e6c3bd0e001
2 files changed
tree: a96938a61d8eada83219ad8520a50f36b754e527
  1. CORE/
  2. firmware_bin/
  3. riva/
  4. Android.mk
  5. Kbuild
  6. Kconfig
  7. Makefile