wlan: FW power down delay fix

If DXE TX CH has low resource condition,
health monitor will be started. Health monitor feature toggles
SMSM to ensure HW wake up. SMSM toggle is empty->non-empty ring set.
This non-empty ring toggle will prevent FW power down.
SMSM toggle sequnce will be changed as empty->non-empty->empty.
Then HW will wake up and TX chain also will be kicked.
Power down sequence will not be blocked.

Change-Id: Icd96fe576ff143a87c7a99fa6feafbdffc0ef922
CRs-fixed: 464243
1 file changed
tree: fd098942d0d01f354bae071b96ccc638ab68b731
  1. CORE/
  2. firmware_bin/
  3. riva/
  4. Android.mk
  5. Kbuild
  6. Kconfig