wlan: Kick DXE TX channel when exit IMPS, if any valid pending frame in the ring

Kick DXE TX channel when exit IMPS, if any valid pending frame in the
When exit IMPS, if TX ring has any pending frame with valid descriptor,
kick DXE TX channel to flush TX ring. This procedure will clean up TX
data channel which pushed previous connected session, and will prepare
next connection session, even previous session has TX data stall.
This is recovery logic.

Change-Id: I5e8016c8bb9794ded3a1ff70370671577f2e0d48
CR-Fixed: 409807
1 file changed
tree: c51d6f06e5ad8dceee83bc85b4625d0173c78f62
  1. CORE/
  2. firmware_bin/
  3. riva/
  4. Kconfig
  5. Makefile