wlan: Decrease SAP timeout from 100 to 10 seconds

Decrease the timeout in SAP mode to associate with an STA
from 100 to 10 seconds. 100 secs is too long a time to wait
for 4-way handsake and DHCP to complete, and thus leads to
power wastage.

Change-Id: Ic07d14093c8c2c588e23ffc54076bbb3cef31ecc
CRs-fixed: 448604
diff --git a/CORE/HDD/src/wlan_hdd_cfg80211.c b/CORE/HDD/src/wlan_hdd_cfg80211.c
index 9e4a358..983d0ec 100644
--- a/CORE/HDD/src/wlan_hdd_cfg80211.c
+++ b/CORE/HDD/src/wlan_hdd_cfg80211.c
@@ -4312,7 +4312,7 @@
      * immediatly after the driver gets connect request(i.e after scan)
      * from supplicant, this result in app's is suspending and not able
      * to process the connect request to AP */
-    hdd_allow_suspend_timeout(100);
+    hdd_allow_suspend_timeout(1000);