wlan: Handle excessive logging during sta select queue

As a part of unload hdd is stopping the netdev queue.
But still N/W layer 3 is calling the select queue netdev
ops, where error print appears excessively.

As a part of this fix sta select queue netdev ops need
to validate Hdd context to take care of SSR and load
/ unload cases.

Change-Id: I087f50ac9e59c3e181bde54f2041f9dda3177266
CRs-Fixed: 857429
diff --git a/CORE/HDD/src/wlan_hdd_wmm.c b/CORE/HDD/src/wlan_hdd_wmm.c
index 1861e6d..cecdd18 100644
--- a/CORE/HDD/src/wlan_hdd_wmm.c
+++ b/CORE/HDD/src/wlan_hdd_wmm.c
@@ -2177,10 +2177,11 @@
    sme_QosWmmUpType up = SME_QOS_WMM_UP_BE;
    v_USHORT_t queueIndex;
    hdd_adapter_t *pAdapter =  WLAN_HDD_GET_PRIV_PTR(dev);
+   hdd_context_t *pHddCtx = WLAN_HDD_GET_CTX(pAdapter);
+   int status = 0;
-   if (vos_is_logp_in_progress(VOS_MODULE_ID_HDD, NULL)) {
-                  FL("called during WDReset"));
+   status = wlan_hdd_validate_context(pHddCtx);
+   if (status !=0) {
        skb->priority = SME_QOS_WMM_UP_BE;
        return HDD_LINUX_AC_BE;