wlan: Peer cannot find P2P DUT when ListenChnl=OperChnl of conc STA-AP sess

Fixes peer device not able to search P2P DUT during P2P find when
DUT has a concurrent STA-AP session and P2P search listen channel
is same as STA-AP session operating channel.
Fix: Removed the special optimization when a concurrent session
exists with operating channel same as P2P listen channel since it
was causing issues in P2P search. The reason was STA-AP link
entering BMPS when returning to home channel causing P2P search
to miss Probe Reqs and hence not respond with Probe Rsp causing
peer device to NOT find us.

Change-Id: I121eb739c554016a496589405de0de88354ccab6
CR-Fixed: 416323
1 file changed
tree: 8992756f603a5ccea9ecf8ff3e823547377b8457
  1. CORE/
  2. firmware_bin/
  3. riva/
  4. Kconfig
  5. Makefile