prima: Mark wmmAcAccessAllowed as True if implicit Qos is disabled.

Currently, wmmAcAccessAllowed is marked as false even though implicit
Qos is disabled in hdd_wmm_connect. If TL state is moved to authenticated
by the time EAPOL 2 of 2 is fetched in hdd_tx_fetch_packet_cbk, then EAPOL
2 of 2 transmission does not happen eventually cause STA to receive deauth.
Fix this by marking wmmAcAccessAllowed as True if implicit Qos is disabled.

Change-Id: If7100f0fedeaf3acba0be81ec95d0d5ab6a80d82
CRs-Fixed: 832680
1 file changed
tree: 15826f59796dd9717fd7d78a448f480375a6d030
  1. CORE/
  2. firmware_bin/
  3. riva/
  5. Kbuild
  6. Kconfig
  7. Makefile