Implementation of FR-878

To support MCC-Coex DHCP indications are required.

CRs-fixed: 385843
Change-Id: I24b3c81f294d80e2a3e9a5ac33874f285b1aa7e7
diff --git a/CORE/MAC/inc/sirApi.h b/CORE/MAC/inc/sirApi.h
index aed8177..20f5903 100644
--- a/CORE/MAC/inc/sirApi.h
+++ b/CORE/MAC/inc/sirApi.h
@@ -2127,6 +2127,15 @@
 } tAniChangeCountryCodeReq, *tpAniChangeCountryCodeReq;
+typedef struct sAniDHCPStopInd
+    tANI_U16                msgType;      // message type is same as the request type
+    tANI_U16                msgLen;       // length of the entire request
+    tANI_U8                 device_mode;  // Mode of the device(ex:STA, AP)
+    tSirMacAddr             macAddr;
+} tAniDHCPInd, *tpAniDHCPInd;
 typedef struct sAniSummaryStatsInfo
     tANI_U32 retry_cnt[4];         //Total number of packets(per AC) that were successfully transmitted with retries