wlan: Add support for RSNXE IE for SAE

SAE key derivation requires use of a secret element, PWE. This
element is deterministically discovered by repeatedly hashing
the password with some additional information until the
resulting hash is the abscissa of a point on the elliptic curve
(for ECC) or by exponentiating the hash digest to a constant to
produce an element (for FFC). This "hunting-and-pecking" loop
method is prone to side channel attacks.

To avoid this, a direct hashing to element technique in SAE is
introduced in IEEE P802.11-REVmd/D3.0. Support new RSNX IEEE
as part of the hash to element PWE derivation. The user space
sends the RSNX IE in the connect request.

Add support to save RSNXE from connect request and pack this IE
over SAE assoc request.

Change-Id: I4c5b0fbc0c9e0464d9b27e08e194ae6ca8730552
CRs-Fixed: 3140440
2 files changed
tree: a768f488f5ddd727667972c3d84a31291c254fef
  1. CORE/
  2. firmware_bin/
  3. riva/
  4. Android.mk
  5. Kbuild
  6. Kconfig
  7. Makefile