wlan: Host driver changes to support batch scan

Host driver changes to support batch scan feature
CRs-fixed: 543172
diff --git a/CORE/SME/inc/pmcApi.h b/CORE/SME/inc/pmcApi.h
index 7e960ba..21ea575 100644
--- a/CORE/SME/inc/pmcApi.h
+++ b/CORE/SME/inc/pmcApi.h
@@ -503,5 +503,67 @@
                                    void *callbackContext, tANI_U8 sessionId);
+/*Set batch scan request Cb declaration*/
+typedef void(*hddSetBatchScanReqCallback)(void *callbackContext,
+     tSirSetBatchScanRsp *pRsp);
+/*Trigger batch scan result indication Cb declaration*/
+typedef void(*hddTriggerBatchScanResultIndCallback)(void *callbackContext,
+     void *pRsp);
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn pmcSetBatchScanReq
+    \brief  Setting batch scan request in FW
+    \param  hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
+    \param  sessionId - session id
+    \param  callbackRoutine - Pointer to set batch scan request callback routine
+    \param  calbackContext - callback context
+    \return eHalStatus
+             eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE  Cannot set batch scan request
+             eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS  Request accepted.
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+extern eHalStatus pmcSetBatchScanReq(tHalHandle hHal, tSirSetBatchScanReq
+       *pRequest, tANI_U8 sessionId, hddSetBatchScanReqCallback callbackRoutine,
+       void *callbackContext);
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn pmcTriggerBatchScanResultInd
+    \brief  API to pull batch scan result from FW
+    \param  hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
+    \param  sessionId - session id
+    \param  callbackRoutine - Pointer to get batch scan request callback routine
+    \param  calbackContext - callback context
+    \return eHalStatus
+             eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE  Cannot set batch scan request
+             eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS  Request accepted.
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+extern eHalStatus pmcTriggerBatchScanResultInd
+    tHalHandle hHal, tSirTriggerBatchScanResultInd *pRequest, tANI_U8 sessionId,
+    hddTriggerBatchScanResultIndCallback callbackRoutine, void *callbackContext
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn pmcStopBatchScanInd
+    \brief  Stoping batch scan request in FW
+    \param  hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
+    \param  pInd - Pointer to stop batch scan indication
+    \return eHalStatus
+             eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE  Cannot set batch scan request
+             eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS  Request accepted.
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+extern eHalStatus pmcStopBatchScanInd
+    tHalHandle hHal,
+    tSirStopBatchScanInd *pInd,
+    tANI_U8 sessionId