wlan: set wificonfiguration(wfc) parameters to firmware

Program the wifi configurations in the firmware using the vendor

We can set the following three parameters using wfc:

* Modulated DTIM
* Average Stats Factor
* Guard Time

* Existing infrastucture is used for setting the modulated DTIM,
  We check if we are presently in BMPS then comeout of BMPS,
  set the requested modulated DTIM and enter BMPS again. If we are
  not in BMPS state, the requested value shall be effective when we
  enter the BMPS state again.

* For Guard Time & Average stats factor new WDI command is sent to
  firmware(WDI_WIFI_CONFIG_REQ) and the status of the response is
  checked in WDI response callback and the message shall be dropped
  in WDA.

Change-Id: I9ebd1daacdb06e88b064936efe86af78c7fbdac4
CRs-Fixed: 924853
diff --git a/CORE/SME/inc/sme_Api.h b/CORE/SME/inc/sme_Api.h
index 8ce6cf8..251aca7 100644
--- a/CORE/SME/inc/sme_Api.h
+++ b/CORE/SME/inc/sme_Api.h
@@ -3802,4 +3802,15 @@
 eHalStatus sme_enableDisableChanAvoidIndEvent(tHalHandle hHal,
                                               tANI_U8 set_value);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_set_wificonfig_params
+    \brief  API to set WifiConfiguration Parameters.
+    \param  wifi_config_param - Wificonfig parameter 1.Averaging factor 2. Guard time
+    \- return VOS_STATUS_SUCCES if INdication is posted to
+       WDA else return eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE
+    -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_set_wificonfig_params(tHalHandle hHal, tSetWifiConfigParams *req);
 #endif //#if !defined( __SME_API_H )