wlan: VHT MCS8 and MCS9 Support in 2.4Ghz

If MCS8 and MCS9 is supported by firmware and
gEnableVhtFor24GHzBand is set in INI, Enable VHT in 2.4Ghz
by setting the dot11mode is 11ac.

For this MCS8_9_IN_2_4G is introduced in driver and firmware

This commit takes care of interface file change for
this enhancement.

CRs-Fixed: 609434

Change-Id: I39b9b9faef54b00037487a7fd9609ddcb8025f50
1 file changed
tree: d483aa01db7103120961f93ec22b2a26e16a851a
  1. CORE/
  2. firmware_bin/
  3. riva/
  4. Android.mk
  5. Kbuild
  6. Kconfig