wlan: Add check for adapter MAGIC to avoid crash in rx_packet_cbk

hdd_softap_rx_packet_cbk and hdd_rx_packet_cbk do not have check
for adapter MAGIC, Added the same.

Added mactrace in limProcessMlmRspMessages.

Also if LIM receive failure in addsta response for Reassoc request,
lim is posting the message as LIM_MLM_ASSOC_CNF instead of
LIM_MLM_REASSOC_CNF, which will not allow csr to inidcated to HDD.
Added a check to send LIM_MLM_REASSOC_CNF in case of addsta failure
for reassoc request.

CRs-Fixed: 734426

Change-Id: I763cd42ae0e6aa4aea5c9be7c6c0b1d196767d7a
3 files changed
tree: 43737b22156fe37171d85662c186bfbe533ff2e8
  1. CORE/
  2. firmware_bin/
  3. riva/
  4. Android.mk
  5. Kbuild
  6. Kconfig
  7. Makefile