wlan: Update VHT center channel and channel width at start BSS.

The problem is once the P2P connection is established in the P2P go GUI
issues the scan for finding the P2P device then in the finish scan the
driver sends the invalid cb mode to the Riva which is causing the rates
stuck at rate index 91 which is 11ac 40 MHZ rates. The reason finish
scan sends the invalid cb mode to the Riva is because the function
peGetResumeChannel returns cbmode as htSecondarychanneloffset if the
apCenterChan and apChanwidth is zero which is causing the problem.

The fix is to update the apCenterChan and apChanwidth in the peSession
during start bss.

Change-Id: Ia6579dfe417f3e447c8a314af3a7d17b4fb66c9d
CR-Fixed: 407675
diff --git a/CORE/MAC/src/pe/lim/limProcessSmeReqMessages.c b/CORE/MAC/src/pe/lim/limProcessSmeReqMessages.c
index 64da761..63e690b 100644
--- a/CORE/MAC/src/pe/lim/limProcessSmeReqMessages.c
+++ b/CORE/MAC/src/pe/lim/limProcessSmeReqMessages.c
@@ -768,7 +768,8 @@
                     centerChan = limGetCenterChannel(pMac,channelNumber,pSmeStartBssReq->cbMode,WNI_CFG_VHT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_80MHZ);
                     if(centerChan != eSIR_CFG_INVALID_ID)
-                        limLog(pMac, LOGW, FL("***Center Channel for 80MHZ channel width = %ld\n"),centerChan);
+                        limLog(pMac, LOGW, FL("***Center Channel for 80MHZ channel width = %ld\n"),centerChan);          
+                        psessionEntry->apCenterChan = centerChan;
                         if (cfgSetInt(pMac, WNI_CFG_VHT_CHANNEL_CENTER_FREQ_SEGMENT1, centerChan)
                                                                      != eSIR_SUCCESS)
@@ -788,8 +789,13 @@
                     limLog(pMac, LOGP,
                       FL("Unable to retrieve Channel Width from CFG\n"));
+                /*For Sta+p2p-Go concurrency  
+                  vhtTxChannelWidthSet is used for storing p2p-GO channel width
+                  apChanWidth is used for storing the AP channel width that the Sta is going to associate.
+                  Initialize the apChanWidth same as p2p-GO channel width this gets over written once the station joins the AP
+                */
                 psessionEntry->vhtTxChannelWidthSet = chanWidth;
+                psessionEntry->apChanWidth = chanWidth;         
             psessionEntry->htSecondaryChannelOffset = limGetHTCBState(pSmeStartBssReq->cbMode);