wlan: encrypt gtk 2/2 message during wpa authentication

The TL state machine does not move to authenticated state till
GTK is installed. And TL does not allow encrypted data in case
of WPA(2) till it goes to authenticated state.
In case of WPA after the 4 way handshake when AP and STA do the
GTK handshake the STA does not encrypt the GTK 2/2 message and
the AP drops it. Some APs detect MIC failures in such a case.
Make changes to encrypt the GTK 2/2 message even when TL is not
in authenticated state.

CRs-Fixed: 453977
Change-Id: I93ab0304186645996bbfe2e2a895e8fb3c082235
diff --git a/CORE/TL/src/wlan_qct_tli.h b/CORE/TL/src/wlan_qct_tli.h
index 65a5175..15ae536 100644
--- a/CORE/TL/src/wlan_qct_tli.h
+++ b/CORE/TL/src/wlan_qct_tli.h
@@ -633,6 +633,10 @@
   v_U32_t       ulTotalReplayPacketsDetected;
+ /* Set when pairwise key is installed, if ptkInstalled is
+    1 then we have to encrypt the data irrespective of TL
+  v_U8_t ptkInstalled;