wlan: Updating the Channel list based on 11d from Nv.bin.

Don't consider the channel list from AP as there may be some
rouge AP's which may advertise some unwanted channels or block
some wanted channels. Just trust NV.bin or REGDB or CRDA.

CRs-Fixed: 550247
Change-Id: I53e0c31351898817d56c64732aa800fabd7db711
diff --git a/CORE/SME/src/csr/csrApiScan.c b/CORE/SME/src/csr/csrApiScan.c
index 6fe8123..7e0d372 100644
--- a/CORE/SME/src/csr/csrApiScan.c
+++ b/CORE/SME/src/csr/csrApiScan.c
@@ -3814,12 +3814,14 @@
         if ( CSR_IS_CHANNEL_5GHZ( pMac->scan.channelOf11dInfo ) )
             // and the 2.4 band is empty, then populate the 2.4 channel info
+            if ( !csrLLIsListEmpty( &pMac->scan.channelPowerInfoList24, LL_ACCESS_LOCK ) ) break;
             fPopulate5GBand = FALSE;
             // else, we found channel info in the 2.4 GHz band.  If the 5.0 band is empty
             // set the 5.0 band info from the 2.4 country code.
+            if ( !csrLLIsListEmpty( &pMac->scan.channelPowerInfoList5G, LL_ACCESS_LOCK ) ) break;
             fPopulate5GBand = TRUE;
         csrSaveChannelPowerForBand( pMac, fPopulate5GBand );
@@ -3914,7 +3916,6 @@
 tANI_BOOLEAN csrLearnCountryInformation( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tSirBssDescription *pSirBssDesc,
                                          tDot11fBeaconIEs *pIes, tANI_BOOLEAN fForce)
-    tANI_U8 Num2GChannels, bMaxNumChn;
     eHalStatus status;
     v_REGDOMAIN_t domainId;
@@ -4034,56 +4035,66 @@
         smsLog(pMac, LOG3, FL("  %d sets each one is %d"), pIesLocal->Country.num_triplets, sizeof(tSirMacChanInfo));
-        // save the channel/power information from the Channel IE.
-        //sizeof(tSirMacChanInfo) has to be 3
-        if (eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != csrSaveToChannelPower2G_5G( pMac, pIesLocal->Country.num_triplets * sizeof(tSirMacChanInfo),
-                    (tSirMacChanInfo *)(&pIesLocal->Country.triplets[0]) ))
-        {
-            fRet = eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE;
-            break;
-        }
         // set the indicator of the channel where the country IE was found...
         pMac->scan.channelOf11dInfo = pSirBssDesc->channelId;
-        csrGetRegulatoryDomainForCountry(pMac, pIesLocal->Country.country, &domainId );
+        status = csrGetRegulatoryDomainForCountry(pMac,
+                       pIesLocal->Country.country, &domainId );
+        if ( status != eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS )
+        {
+            smsLog( pMac, LOGE, FL("  fail to get regId %d"), domainId );
+            fRet = eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE;
+            break;
+        }
         // Checking for Domain Id change
         if ( domainId != pMac->scan.domainIdCurrent )
-            tSirMacChanInfo* pMacChnSet = (tSirMacChanInfo *)(&pIesLocal->Country.triplets[0]);
-            palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pMac->scan.countryCode11d, pIesLocal->Country.country,
-                                        sizeof( pMac->scan.countryCode11d ) );
+            vos_mem_copy(pMac->scan.countryCode11d,
+                                  pIesLocal->Country.country,
+                                  sizeof( pMac->scan.countryCode11d ) );
+            /* Set Current Country code and Current Regulatory domain */
+            status = csrSetRegulatoryDomain(pMac, domainId, NULL);
+            if (eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != status)
+            {
+                smsLog(pMac, LOGE, "Set Reg Domain Fail %d", status);
+                fRet = eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE;
+                return fRet;
+            }
+            //csrSetRegulatoryDomain will fail if the country doesn't fit our domain criteria.
+            vos_mem_copy(pMac->scan.countryCodeCurrent,
+                            pIesLocal->Country.country, WNI_CFG_COUNTRY_CODE_LEN);
+            //Simply set it to cfg.
             csrSetCfgCountryCode(pMac, pIesLocal->Country.country);
-            WDA_SetRegDomain(pMac, domainId);
+            /* overwrite the defualt country code */
+            vos_mem_copy(pMac->scan.countryCodeDefault,
+                                      pMac->scan.countryCodeCurrent,
+                                      WNI_CFG_COUNTRY_CODE_LEN);
+            /* Set Current RegDomain */
+            status = WDA_SetRegDomain(pMac, domainId);
+            if ( status != eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS )
+            {
+                smsLog( pMac, LOGE, FL("  fail to Set regId %d"), domainId );
+                fRet = eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE;
+                return fRet;
+            }
+             /* set to default domain ID */
             pMac->scan.domainIdCurrent = domainId;
-            // Check whether AP provided the 2.4GHZ list or 5GHZ list
-            if(CSR_IS_CHANNEL_24GHZ(pMacChnSet[0].firstChanNum))
-            {
-                // AP Provided the 2.4 Channels, Update the 5GHz channels from nv.bin
-                csrGet5GChannels(pMac );
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                // AP Provided the 5G Channels, Update the 2.4GHZ channel list from nv.bin
-                csrGet24GChannels(pMac );
-            }
-        }
-        // Populate both band channel lists based on what we found in the country information...
-        csrSetOppositeBandChannelInfo( pMac );
-        // construct 2GHz channel list first
-        csrConstructCurrentValidChannelList( pMac, &pMac->scan.channelPowerInfoList24, pMac->scan.channels11d.channelList, 
-                                                bMaxNumChn, &Num2GChannels );
-        // construct 5GHz channel list now
-        if(bMaxNumChn > Num2GChannels)
-        {
-            csrConstructCurrentValidChannelList( pMac, &pMac->scan.channelPowerInfoList5G, pMac->scan.channels11d.channelList + Num2GChannels,
-                                                 bMaxNumChn - Num2GChannels,
-                                                 &pMac->scan.channels11d.numChannels );
-        }
+            /* get the channels based on new cc */
+            status = csrInitGetChannels( pMac );
-        pMac->scan.channels11d.numChannels += Num2GChannels;
-        fRet = eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE;
+            if ( status != eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS )
+            {
+                smsLog( pMac, LOGE, FL("  fail to get Channels "));
+                fRet = eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE;
+                return fRet;
+            }
+            /* reset info based on new cc, and we are done */
+            csrResetCountryInformation(pMac, eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE, eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE);
+            fRet = eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE;
+        }
     } while( 0 );
     if( !pIes && pIesLocal )