wlan: ccx upload: Support ccx beacon report

This is to provide support for CCX radio measument beacon report.
Summary of changes include:
1. Support for CCXBEACONREQ device private command to receive
   measurement request IE information.
2. Driver initiates scan and return the BSSID information using
   IWEVCUSTOM event supporting 4 BSSID info per channel.
3. Fix for scan type and duration getting over-written with the
   last channel scan type and duration.
4. IWEVCUSTOM has limitation of 256 bytes of event data, hence fill-in
   only the mandatory IEs in the beacon report as per the spec.

Change-Id: If0324b1732ea537f64a48c22c5e702c49356504e
CRs-Fixed: 573479
diff --git a/CORE/MAC/src/include/parserApi.h b/CORE/MAC/src/include/parserApi.h
index e5b4e0a..e625061 100644
--- a/CORE/MAC/src/include/parserApi.h
+++ b/CORE/MAC/src/include/parserApi.h
@@ -278,6 +278,29 @@
 } tSirAssocRsp, *tpSirAssocRsp;
+// Structure to hold CCX Beacon report mandatory IEs
+typedef struct sSirCcxBcnReportMandatoryIe
+    tSirMacSSid           ssId;
+    tSirMacRateSet        supportedRates;
+    tSirMacFHParamSet     fhParamSet;
+    tSirMacDsParamSetIE   dsParamSet;
+    tSirMacCfParamSet     cfParamSet;
+    tSirMacIBSSParams     ibssParamSet;
+    tSirMacTim            tim;
+    tSirMacRRMEnabledCap  rmEnabledCapabilities;
+    tANI_U8               ssidPresent;
+    tANI_U8               suppRatesPresent;
+    tANI_U8               fhParamPresent;
+    tANI_U8               dsParamsPresent;
+    tANI_U8               cfPresent;
+    tANI_U8               ibssParamPresent;
+    tANI_U8               timPresent;
+} tSirCcxBcnReportMandatoryIe, *tpSirCcxBcnReportMandatoryIe;
 sirIsPropCapabilityEnabled(struct sAniSirGlobal *pMac, tANI_U32 bitnum);
@@ -373,6 +396,15 @@
                  tANI_U8                    *pPayload,
                  tANI_U32                    payloadLength);
+sirFillBeaconMandatoryIEforCcxBcnReport(tpAniSirGlobal    pMac,
+                                        tANI_U8          *pPayload,
+                                        const tANI_U32    payloadLength,
+                                        tANI_U8         **outIeBuf,
+                                        tANI_U32         *pOutIeLen);
 sirConvertBeaconFrame2Struct(struct sAniSirGlobal *pMac,
                              tANI_U8 *pBeaconFrame,