wlan: Fix uninitialized variable access

WDA_ProcessFwrMemDumpReq invokes WDI_FwrMemDumpReq to get
fwr mem dump. WDI_FwrMemDumpReq returns status of type
WDI_Status. The variable used to store return status of
WDI_FwrMemDumpReq should be of type WDI_Status. Instead,
it is of type VOS_STATUS.

Fix is to assign return status of WDI_FwrMemDumpReq to a
variable of type WDI_Status.

Change-Id: If550e0c89b3924309249948631dc4408bab9581a
CRs-Fixed: 2195799
1 file changed
tree: 817990c6a30b7e31ec1c0cfb30e5e8a68e26d52d
  1. CORE/
  2. firmware_bin/
  3. riva/
  4. Android.mk
  5. Kbuild
  6. Kconfig
  7. Makefile