wlan: Unblock sme command if WDI status is not success/pending.

Whenever driver get commands to process in WDI, driver  put
STATE as busy and put the further commands in pending list.
For every command driver will keep putting command in
WDI_MainStartBusy and will return status as WDI_STATUS_PENDING.

When this pending command is processed and  Status is return
other than Success or pending,callback will be called to send the
response to SME.In case of JOIN, this callback was NULL, so SME
command was stuck.
Changes done to assign the correct callback in WDI during JOIN req.

Change-Id: I0abc2c82e07716a0a7f7f360da36e9b23a495267
CRs-Fixed: 699027
1 file changed
tree: b242d0a488ac7aa3361702f37d53686ff8484375
  1. CORE/
  2. firmware_bin/
  3. riva/
  4. Android.mk
  5. Kbuild
  6. Kconfig
  7. Makefile