wlan: logic errors in TCLAS frame generation APIs

When building the prima driver for 64-bit architecture, the compiler
generated a warning for code in PopulateDot11fTCLAS().

In the present code srcIpAddr and DestIpAddr are defined as a tANI_U32
variable so it is typecasted to tANI_U8 for hidding the compilation
errors in 32-bit.

Defined both srcIpAddr and destIpAddr as an array of tANI_U8.

Change-Id: Icb260e6c99db823b1c998008907bef5d2d6cad3a
CRs-Fixed: 582176
3 files changed
tree: 65869297fd9118f725fc5324ba824ee8439eef20
  1. CORE/
  2. firmware_bin/
  3. riva/
  4. Android.mk
  5. Kbuild
  6. Kconfig