Revert "wlan: Fix race condition for reliable delivery of action frames."

This reverts commit 5ceca36b86344ce120b8fa4b441c4d7081f1fc45.
This fix will notify supplicant about cancel remain on channel,
but in host a new remain on channel will be started.
Supplicant will come out of listen state and can send new remain
on channel event again. It's always better to tell supplicant about
all remain on channel event.

Change-Id: I08fe57596083dc3e4fc6c2ea69f0475f57c560e9
1 file changed
tree: 1133f754c7d4f974059a43468ec2f31c390c4278
  1. CORE/
  2. firmware_bin/
  3. riva/
  5. Kbuild
  6. Kconfig