wlan: Send logging done indication in MC thread

Currently logging done indication is sent using the WDI_PostMainEvent
after acquiring the lock in RX thread context. RX thread goes to sleep
when the lock is acquired by MC thread. During IMPS, BMPS
processing, MC thread acquires lock and post message to RX thread and
waits for response. It causes deadlock, so moved processing of logging done
indication to MC thread.

Change-Id: I03636e8cee12515d91db140f2ead966456f1dcd7
CRs-Fixed: 894433
diff --git a/CORE/WDA/src/wlan_qct_wda.c b/CORE/WDA/src/wlan_qct_wda.c
index ce8eeb0..e83e7c5 100644
--- a/CORE/WDA/src/wlan_qct_wda.c
+++ b/CORE/WDA/src/wlan_qct_wda.c
@@ -14081,6 +14081,11 @@
                                         (tAniGetFrameLogReq *)pMsg->bodyptr);
+      case WDA_SEND_LOG_DONE_IND:
+      {
+         WDA_FWLoggingDXEdoneInd();
+         break;
+      }