wlan: Prevent deadlock while acquiring hdd adapter lock

It is possible one of thread (TX/RX/MC) acquired hdd adapter
lock, But at same time kernel raised the software interrupts
/ Soft irq's on same CPU. For e.g Driver IPV 4/6 change handler
get invoked in soft irq context. While driver is processing
these irq's, it will again try to acquire the adapter lock
which is hold by Thread context. Hence lead to deadlock.

As a part of this fix, Driver will Disable software interrupts
before acquiring hdd adapter lock.

Change-Id: Ia46b7bfc6526e7bb1b0e01d1f7594234a01d84ff
CRs-Fixed: 862056
1 file changed
tree: 94b922cb28ccf83be0691a6cf1a416f13bab4027
  1. CORE/
  2. firmware_bin/
  3. riva/
  4. Android.mk
  5. Kbuild
  6. Kconfig
  7. Makefile