wlan: Keep bssDescription at the end of tSirSmeJoinReq struct

qcacld-3.0 to prima propagation

Move bssDescription to the end of tSirSmeJoinReq since bssDescription
has ieFields at its end which would be corrupted if we dont keep it
at the end of bssDescription. This results in not detecting the IE's
properly after assoc response processing, not setting wpa_rsn flag
in PEER_ASSOC_CMD to fw. The subsequent LFR3 roam if happens in fw
fails because of this.

Keep bssDescription at the end of tSirSmeJoinReq struct and other
structs where bssDescription is used.

Change-Id: I7096f7da0a475b0c63078f3c77fba240a41dfb00
CRs-Fixed: 2148278
4 files changed
tree: b5d62961856c66d4e89dd62b58e54afdbc949811
  1. CORE/
  2. firmware_bin/
  3. riva/
  4. Android.mk
  5. Kbuild
  6. Kconfig
  7. Makefile