wlan: Set ini value of short preamable in self sta .

Currently in driver shortPreambleSupported bit in selfsta
is set on the basis of erp bit in beacon. Whereas in
add_bss the shortPreambleSupported bit is set on the basis
of shortPreamble bit is assoc rsp. This might result in
long preamable being sent to FW even if Host support
short preamable. As a part of fix, make selfsta preamable
bit same as ini value and add_bss preamable bit as
what AP supports.

Change-Id: I0a0a0fb4fd07d1b674c9039b4f631ba18dc4fc89
CRs-Fixed: 822128
1 file changed
tree: 751f65ae920ca2788f054f23a005646a1d1c02bf
  1. CORE/
  2. firmware_bin/
  3. riva/
  4. Android.mk
  5. Kbuild
  6. Kconfig
  7. Makefile