wlan: disable DXE channel 5 if fw does not support

When DMA Channel RX_LOG is enabled while loading the driver
we do not have the firmware capabilities. But when we
are servicing the first interrupt we have knowledge of
the firmware capabilities and so we know if channel RX_LOG
is supported by the firmware. If channel RX_LOG operation is
not supported we will not re-enable the channel after the
first interrupt.

Change-Id: I524aa43e25000a88887372f2aa722e9bb40c3510
CRs-Fixed: 856483
diff --git a/CORE/DXE/src/wlan_qct_dxe.c b/CORE/DXE/src/wlan_qct_dxe.c
index 34411d2..477185b 100644
--- a/CORE/DXE/src/wlan_qct_dxe.c
+++ b/CORE/DXE/src/wlan_qct_dxe.c
@@ -2959,7 +2959,12 @@
+   /* We do not have knowledge of firmare capabilities when the
+    * RX_LOG channel is enabled. But when we get the first interrupt
+    * we have all the required information. So if MGMT Logging is not
+    * supported by the firmware, do not re-enable RX_LOG channel
+    */
+   if (WLANDXE_IS_VALID_CHANNEL(WDTS_CHANNEL_RX_LOG) && wpalIsFwLoggingSupported())
       if(!(dxeCtxt->dxeChannel[WDTS_CHANNEL_RX_LOG].extraConfig.chan_mask & WLANDXE_CH_CTRL_EN_MASK))