wlan: Send RSO start to FW after DUT roam to 5G AP

Currently host send RSO start to FW as soon as DUT
connect to AP. So in case due to overlapping of roaming
triggered by FW or forced 5g feature (host based), RSO
command might go out of sync btw Host and FW which lead
to assert in firmware

The aim of this change to make forced 5G roaming & FW
based candidate indication handling mutually exclusive.
Now if 5G feature is enabled, Host will not send RSO start
immediately. It will wait till DUT roam to 5G AP or in
all error cases mention below which might happen during
roaming to 5G AP.

1)Host is not able to fire 5G timer
2)There is no 5G valid channels in cfg valid channel list
3)Host is not able to Enqueue the 5G BG scan (sme command)
4)Host abort BG scan command
5)There is mismatch between ScanFilter
6)There is no 5G roamable candidate
7)DUT is not able Enqueue preauth request(sme command)
8)There is an error while processing preauth rsp

Change-Id: If94ca65553858b9badfb056256ef3dca111364f6
CRs-Fixed: 776498
2 files changed
tree: c09b52b72e626827fe8d5039c312d610c987faef
  1. CORE/
  2. firmware_bin/
  3. riva/
  4. Android.mk
  5. Kbuild
  6. Kconfig
  7. Makefile