wlan: cs release

CL 651697 on 2012/10/15 by c_vyetur 'No Scan Interference Dur'
CL 651738 on 2012/10/15 by c_vyetur 'Flush only P2P results during p'
CL 651735 on 2012/10/15 by clanctot 'Do not count frames to start BA'
CL 651794 on 2012/10/16 by asinghal 'Klockwork fixes for HDD module '
CL 651797 on 2012/10/16 by asinghal 'Removal of tabs due to submitte'
CL 651866 on 2012/10/16 by jzmuda 'Don't deactivate the heartbeat '
CL 651867 on 2012/10/16 by jzmuda 'Cap cache size properly  New Fe'
CL 651870 on 2012/10/16 by c_vkunam 'Check-in on behalf of Srikanth '
CL 651871 on 2012/10/16 by c_vkunam 'Check-in on behalf of Srikanth '
CL 651882 on 2012/10/16 by skuppa 'Revert CL 650871.  New Features'
CL 651891 on 2012/10/17 by jzmuda 'Update WCNSS_qcom_cfg.ini with '
CL 651964 on 2012/10/17 by c_rvaish 'Fix for a hardware bug causing '
CL 651972 on 2012/10/17 by asinghal 'Removing initialization to 0/NU'
CL 651980 on 2012/10/17 by skuppa 'Process deauth from reassoc AP '
CL 652022 on 2012/10/17 by ssuryade 'wlan: Fix for address scheme fo'
CL 652055 on 2012/10/18 by ganeshk 'Fix for Klockwork errors. New F'
CL 652059 on 2012/10/18 by c_gowri 'Fix for voss Assert in hdd_soft'
CL 652073 on 2012/10/18 by sameert'Fix race condition in new cfg80'
CL 652074 on 2012/10/18 by karmuchi 'Update VHT center channel and c'
CL 652096 on 2012/10/18 by c_vkunam 'Dynamic MC/BC HW filter setting'
CL 652125 on 2012/10/18 by c_lreddy 'Adding HS2.0 IEs in the Re-Asso'
wlan: syncing wcnss/inc with prima/riva/inc

CR-Fixed: 405481, 409883, 411177, 410576, 411088, 362782, 360955,
411088, 411651, 408813, 406665, 409532, 407675, 372155, 407823

Change-Id: I974d0a027341d9bf5cad1668e73eecc72c5ce7d5
1 file changed
tree: cba3ec538261826b2d3ba51fef509a174e882220
  1. CORE/
  2. firmware_bin/
  3. riva/
  4. Kconfig
  5. Makefile