wlan: Set TxBF csn value based on ini configuration.

Broadcom AP has an issue that when pronto advertise the csn value
as 3 it uses the 2 antenna in the NDPA packet but it suppose to
use the 3 antenna in the NDPA packet. If we advertise the csn value
as 2 then it uses 3 antenna in the NDPA packet. We need to have
ini configuration for setting the csn value.

CRs-Fixed: 453491
Change-Id: I757a9dd5dbb5bf957f92253b9499802148302903
diff --git a/CORE/SME/inc/csrApi.h b/CORE/SME/inc/csrApi.h
index f5e305d..c1d764f 100644
--- a/CORE/SME/inc/csrApi.h
+++ b/CORE/SME/inc/csrApi.h
@@ -1049,6 +1049,7 @@
     tANI_U32  nVhtChannelWidth;
     tANI_U8   enableTxBF;
+    tANI_U8   txBFCsnValue;