wlan: SAPHT40 2.4GHz:Add support for HT20/40 Coex Action frame

Parse receive HT20/40 Coex Action frame and send 20/40 coex
info to upper layer for processing.

Move SAP from HT40 to HT20 in below condition if SAP is
Operating into HT40

40MHz Intolerant bit set in 20/40 BSS Coexistence IEs
20 MHz BSS WidthRequest bit set in 20/40 BSS Coexistence IEs
20/40 BSS Intolerant Channel Report found withing OBSS
Affected Channel Range

Change-Id: I11002c59e05b4d22f0ca568216e7f83277f18f4b
CRs-Fixed: 757729
7 files changed
tree: 2dd888ed637b3b2b64ad82321d9bce0e3e6e163a
  1. CORE/
  2. firmware_bin/
  3. riva/
  4. Android.mk
  5. Kbuild
  6. Kconfig
  7. Makefile