CLD: No need to check for gLimRspReqd while sending scan complete.

No need to check for gLimRspReqd while sending the scan complete
event to SME. gLimRspReqd is being reset while processing get stats
request which are not queued in smeCmdActiveList. So it is better
to avoid relying on this parameter.

The function limProcessNormalHddMsg(pMac, limMsg, true) is being
called with fRspReqd as true. Based on this argument while
processing the stats request the PE is resetting the gLimRspReqd
flag. Since these stats requests are not queued to smeCmdActiveList
this is causing the issue for scan request which is already in
smeCmdActiveList. Since fRspReqd resetted LIM is not sending scan
response to SME.

Change-Id: I6e1b59baf0a6ab82793a0ec7ed94ef863f4d277b
CRs-fixed: 500914
diff --git a/CORE/MAC/src/pe/lim/limProcessMlmRspMessages.c b/CORE/MAC/src/pe/lim/limProcessMlmRspMessages.c
index 9a69fe0..c495ac6 100644
--- a/CORE/MAC/src/pe/lim/limProcessMlmRspMessages.c
+++ b/CORE/MAC/src/pe/lim/limProcessMlmRspMessages.c
@@ -4777,23 +4777,19 @@
     pMac->lim.gLimSmeScanResultLength +=
-    if ((pMac->lim.gLimRspReqd) ||
-            pMac->lim.gLimReportBackgroundScanResults)
-    {
-        pMac->lim.gLimRspReqd = false;
-        if ((reasonCode == eSIR_SME_SUCCESS) ||
-                pMac->lim.gLimSmeScanResultLength) {
-            scanRspLen = sizeof(tSirSmeScanRsp) +
-                pMac->lim.gLimSmeScanResultLength -
-                sizeof(tSirBssDescription);
-        }
-        else
-            scanRspLen = sizeof(tSirSmeScanRsp);
-        limSendSmeScanRsp(pMac, scanRspLen, reasonCode,
-                pMac->lim.gSmeSessionId,
-                pMac->lim.gTransactionId);
+    pMac->lim.gLimRspReqd = false;
+    if ((reasonCode == eSIR_SME_SUCCESS) ||
+            pMac->lim.gLimSmeScanResultLength) {
+        scanRspLen = sizeof(tSirSmeScanRsp) +
+            pMac->lim.gLimSmeScanResultLength -
+            sizeof(tSirBssDescription);
+    else
+        scanRspLen = sizeof(tSirSmeScanRsp);
+    limSendSmeScanRsp(pMac, scanRspLen, reasonCode,
+            pMac->lim.gSmeSessionId,
+            pMac->lim.gTransactionId);