wlan: IBSS HeartBeat offload.

HeartBeat implementation has been offloaded for most of the device
modes except Ad-Hoc. The HB offload is a requirement not to wakeup
the host processor for connectivity actions.

CRs-Fixed: 517100
Change-Id: If41fd2dd86d5941231e999c5a4b9d3b99602c110
diff --git a/CORE/MAC/inc/sirApi.h b/CORE/MAC/inc/sirApi.h
index 4aa2b39..972bd31 100644
--- a/CORE/MAC/inc/sirApi.h
+++ b/CORE/MAC/inc/sirApi.h
@@ -2719,6 +2719,14 @@
     //Beacon will be appended for new Peer indication.
 }tSmeIbssPeerInd, *tpSmeIbssPeerInd;
+typedef struct sSirIbssPeerInactivityInd
+   tANI_U8       bssIdx;
+   tANI_U8       staIdx;
+   tSirMacAddr   peerAddr;
+}tSirIbssPeerInactivityInd, *tpSirIbssPeerInactivityInd;
 typedef struct sLimScanChn
     tANI_U16 numTimeScan;   //how many time this channel is scan