wlan: iwpriv getRoamRssi to query RSSI from roaming engine

A new iwpriv getRoamRssi is supported to query RSSI from
the LFR firmware monitoring.
Since the RSSI monitoring and penalization is done in
Riva in BMPS mode. Iwpriv wlan0 getRoamRSSI fetches RSSI
from the riva only in BMPS Mode. If this command is used
while not associated or not in BMPS mode, it returns a value of 0

Change-Id: Ifa660c51685af5dd5d20b28546aa1b9d4f217082
CRs-Fixed: 427473
diff --git a/CORE/MAC/inc/sirApi.h b/CORE/MAC/inc/sirApi.h
index 69610b2..031e690 100644
--- a/CORE/MAC/inc/sirApi.h
+++ b/CORE/MAC/inc/sirApi.h
@@ -2078,6 +2078,21 @@
 } tAniGetRssiReq, *tpAniGetRssiReq;
+#if defined WLAN_FEATURE_VOWIFI_11R || defined FEATURE_WLAN_CCX || defined(FEATURE_WLAN_LFR)
+typedef struct sAniGetRoamRssiRsp
+    // Common for all types are responses
+    tANI_U16                msgType;    // message type is same as the request type
+    tANI_U16                msgLen;  // length of the entire request, includes the pStatsBuf length too
+    tANI_U8                 sessionId;
+    tANI_U32                rc;         //success/failure
+    tANI_U32                staId;  // Per STA stats request must contain valid
+    tANI_S8                 rssi;
+    void                    *rssiReq;  //rssi request backup
+} tAniGetRoamRssiRsp, *tpAniGetRoamRssiRsp;
 /* Change country code request MSG structure */
 typedef struct sAniChangeCountryCodeReq