P2P: Send P2P Marker Frame on air to debug ROC issues.

Debug Marker frames are sent over air at start and end of remain on
channel. These marker frames helps in debugging scan and connection
issues by indicating DUT remained on channel or not.

Data in vendor specific information element indicates the start and
end of DUT's remain on channel. The data contains channel number,
duration and sequence number. Two sets of Marker frames are sent on
each start and end of remain on channel to make sure any of these
frames are captured in the sniffer.

If DUT starts remain on channel on channel 6 for duration 200ms and
sequence number of debug marker frame is 15 then the contents of
vendor specific information element and sequence of marker frames
are as below,

And at end of remain on channel message will be as

Change-Id: I4f6e62c90d36ba2897038d4960e0652dad88e21a
CRs-Fixed: 594906
diff --git a/CORE/MAC/inc/aniGlobal.h b/CORE/MAC/inc/aniGlobal.h
index ac91b2f..f0f713c 100644
--- a/CORE/MAC/inc/aniGlobal.h
+++ b/CORE/MAC/inc/aniGlobal.h
@@ -927,6 +927,14 @@
     tANI_U8 gLimIbssStaLimit;
     tANI_U8 probeCounter;
     tANI_U8 maxProbe;
+    // Flag to debug remain on channel
+    tANI_BOOLEAN gDebugP2pRemainOnChannel;
+    /* Sequence number to keep track of
+     * start and end of remain on channel
+     * debug marker frame.
+     */
+    tANI_U32 remOnChnSeqNum;
 } tAniSirLim, *tpAniSirLim;
 typedef struct sLimMgmtFrameRegistration