wlan: Add ini support for enabling unicast filter

Provision to enable unicast filter "gUCFilterEnable" flag and support
for Unicast filtering.
Currently Unicast filtering is Featurised in Firmware. Now it is
dynamically supported in Riva and Host. In addition to this, one ini
flag "gUCFilterEnable"  is introduced to enable this support.


Default value 0 if not configured in ini file.

Change-Id: I83fc1a0eb47cef22f0b4ee2e57634ae16acf6838
CR-Fixed: 390129
1 file changed
tree: dff2bbdab0071a6faf25af1d5389297c929e706f
  1. CORE/
  2. firmware_bin/
  3. riva/
  4. Kconfig
  5. Makefile