wlan: Revert back changes setting the gLimRspReqd for stats requests

The link speed is showing as 0 in the display as the function
limProcessNormalHddMsg(pMac, limMsg, false) is being
called with fRspReqd as false for eWNI_SME_STA_STAT_REQ.
Changes are made to revert back freeing the request when fRspReqd
is false in functions __limProcessSmeGetStatisticsRequest,
__limProcessSmeGetRoamRssiRequest and __limProcessSmeStatsRequest.

Change-Id: Ieee05233f3535a77a6237478b0d25e697f5d3006
CRs-Fixed: 541869
1 file changed
tree: 653e30bece78439ff5cf38d2fc44d7e49aa59438
  1. CORE/
  2. firmware_bin/
  3. riva/
  4. Android.mk
  5. Kbuild
  6. Kconfig