wlan: Synchronize inserting node to logging filled list

There is a possibility of adding a same node twice to the logging filled
linked-list as wlan_queue_logmsg_for_app(), which inserts node to the
liked-list, is called from two diffrent places, when driver receives FATAL
event from FW and when driver sends FATAL event to FW.
Hence,  synchronize inserting  node to filled list by calling
wlan_queue_logmsg_for_app() with lock acquired, so that same node won't
be added twice to the list.

Change-Id: Iabd13ca936b6d4bdf4e9a01933fe974949eb5a0f
CRs-Fixed: 935012
1 file changed
tree: ca798d7cb0179e48c2854a768980805e92ee4e86
  1. CORE/
  2. firmware_bin/
  3. riva/
  4. Android.mk
  5. Kbuild
  6. Kconfig
  7. Makefile